Ten Ways to Keep Your Brain from Screaming “OUCH!”

What you need to know about this book.

Believe nothing, no matter who has said it… unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

Ten Ways to keep your brain from screaming “OUCH?” Yep, that’s the crux of it. I know. Doesn’t sound very professional, but really, does it take the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) with umpteen zillion diagnoses to know when your brain is starting to hurt? If you are depressed you don’t need to hear that you have a mental disorder called major depression. If you are compulsively obsessed you don’t need to hear that you have a mental disorder called obsessive compulsive disorder. Giving a condition a name may be helpful, but giving it the same name as the symptoms? We can do better than that. What if you experience brain fog, forgetfulness or low energy? Got a name for that one? How about brain fog disorder, forgetfulness disorder or low energy disorder. No, we don’t need more names. What you do need are solutions to restore your brain to health or, better yet, to keep it from going on the fritz in the first place. In this book, you and your health care provider have access to a cornucopia of solutions for keeping your brain happy and healthy.

In spite of—or maybe because of—our diagnostic manuals and the drug treatments based on them, the number of brains screaming “OUCH!” is on the increase. Psychology professor Jean Twenge found that there is more depression and hypomania now than there was during the midst of the Great Depression in 1938, five times as much! In the 1980’s the rate of autism syndrome was about one in 10,000. Now it is one in 100. Some say it is one in 50. Something ain’t right. Giving names to these conditions doesn’t appear to have been all that helpful.