Dr Fauci Letter#2 Dr Fauci, As you prepare to graduate from public service it is only fitting to take this opportunity to assess your performance as the highest paid official in the US government in managing the COVID-19 crisis. Some of your highly influential proclamations are listed below, subjected to the scrutiny of evidenced-based medicine. 1. The COVID vaccines are safe and effective. They will protect you from getting COVID-19, but if you do get sick, they will minimize symptoms. COVID-19 is a disease of the unvaccinated.(false) Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a highly respected British cardiologist and practitioner of evidence-based medicine initially...
Read MoreActually, the entire quote is from Joseph Goebbels: “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.” Here are some examples of telling big lies long enough. Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election. Russian agents planted Hunter Biden’s laptop. Those who suggest that the virus came from the Wuhan lab are conspiracy theorists. The COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. Medication for deworming horses is not only ineffective, but dangerous. Sometimes events prove the lie to be false, such as the Russia collusion and the Biden laptop narratives. Sometimes censorship of conflicting views is...
Read MoreHere is the current COVID-19 situation in Israel, population 9 million, one of the first trail blazing countries to vaccinate the majority of its citizens early. They now have the largest case numbers ever. They are giving booster shots to compensate for the declining efficacy of Pfizer vaccines and anticipating a fourth in the future. Here is the current COVID-19 situation in Uttar Pradesh, India, population 200 million. The numbers are down, having run up to a total of 30,000 around the peak to 14 new cases on September 11. In this article in the India Times we learn that 45% of the state currently have no COVID-19 cases. But nowhere do you find a reference to...
Read MoreHis protestations to Congress notwithstanding, Dr. Fauci played a pivotal role in funding gain–of-function research in Wuhan. This bypassed Obama administration’s policy prohibiting such research, which, very likely ultimately contributed to a leak of SARS COV-2 from the lab in Wuhan. In the June 6 Wall Street Journal, Drs. Quay and Miller report that a unique genetic sequence, the “double CGC” points to a laboratory origin. They ask why a natural virus would replicate the same sequence that a gain-of-function lab would insert. The “double CGC” is not found in the natural world. Further, they say the reason the entire genome was not...
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