Posts Tagged "medical ethics India Pradesh Tamil Nadu WHO Murder Charges"

How Does this Pass for Medical Ethics?

Posted by on Sep 24, 2021 in COVID-19, Dave's Blog | 0 comments

On 22 September, 2021, Art Caplan, Division of Medical Ethics at the New York University Grossman School of Medicine, and the author of recent posts such as “Let’s End Religious Exemptions for Vaccinations,” and “Should Kids Get COVID-19 Vaccine Without Parental Approval?,” wrote a new one in Medscape entitled, “Doctors Should Avoid Being Bullied into giving ivermectin.“ He encourages doctors not to be bullied by relatives of COVID-19 patients asking for ivermectin for their loved ones. He tells them they can simply ignore court orders for ivermectin for ICU patients. “The ivermectin story reminds me a little bit of the days when we were all...

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